
1.nmap scan

and add to /etc/hosts
echo "" >> /etc/hosts

the port 80 shows nothing,but we can change to to get some information

it shows it’s run a osTicket structer on 80
and on port 8065,it shows another login page

i first add a user in mattermost and try to find a exploit
it need me to varify
so let’s use searchsploit osticket and try to exploit
all the register need verify
as a guest,we can open a new ticket and see it’s feedback

3.getting webshell access

because the machine can not access to the internet,the verify step is unable
but when I created a ticket, it offered the ability to update the ticket over email. I can use that to get the verification email.

I’ll create a ticket and get the email address for it. Then sign up for a MatterMost account:

the default email is 2200493@delivery.htb
register a new account use 2200493@delivery.htb

check the ticketnum use 2200493

and now we get the verify mail

verify the link and we can get in

in the website,we can see a credential —maildeliverer:Youve_G0t_Mail!
and it shows a hint that may password are PleaseSubscribe!

then i can try to use creds i just get to ssh the machine

4.getting root access

Mattermost stores it’s configuration in /opt/mattermost/config/config.json. The database connection information is in here:


we can get username and password from the table User

select Username,Password from Users;
crack root password

we can save the hash to a file and save the hint PleaseSubscribe! to another file

and the result is PleaseSubscribe!21

finally,we get the root